

Whether you’re looking to attack some water crossings in your 4x4 or you’re after the best possible performance out of your 4x4, a snorkel is an excellent bang for buck upgrade!

Not only does it raise your intake up as high as possible and reduce the chances of water ingress into your engine, but it does away with the air intake sucking in dirt, sand and leaves out of the inner guard where most factory air intakes are located.

There’s much debate over which snorkel is the best. The “O.G” style poly snorkels, or the new trend of Stainless rearward facing snorkels. Both have their pro’s and con’s, and I’m still on the fence! I love the look of the stainless snorkels in black, colour coded or raw stainless finish and they are a great improvement over standard. But on the other hand, the fitment, form and function of the poly-style snorkels soothes my mechanical mind.

Whichever you prefer, I’m more than happy to grab a big ol’ holesaw and rip a big hole through your front guard to fit either option!



Operation MR2